Walk Your Way To Health

Exercising is important for overall health. And it doesn’t need to be complicated! Simply walking for 30 minutes a day can provide lots of benefits for people of all ages. Walking can help ward off heart disease, lower blood pressure,…
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The Mediterranean Diet

zigres/Bigstock.com The Mediterranean diet is a style of eating inspired by the traditional eating habits of denizens of that particular area. It encompasses the cuisines of Greece, Italy, France and Spain. Though the citizens of each country may have slightly…
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Body Language

Yurolaitsalbert/Bigstock.com Body language is an important part of how we communicate. Our facial expressions, posture, eye contact and tone of voice are important clues to the messages we are sending to those around us. Body language is seen as a…
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Vitamin A

kovalnadiya/Bigstock.com Vitamin A is an essential micronutrient. Humans must get micronutrients from diet and the food we eat since our bodies cannot produce vitamins and minerals (for the most part). After being consumed, vitamin A is stored in the liver…
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When To Exercise

Fesenko/Bigstock.com Everyone knows that exercise is a very important component of a healthy lifestyle. Regular workouts help boost heart health, increase strength and balance, and improve endurance. But is there a best time of day to exercise? The answer may…
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