Check Out What The Professionals
Are Saying…

“As a physician at the Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Louisiana, I would not hesitate to refer patients to seek care from Dr. Ken Wojcik at the Southside Chiropractic Clinic. It has been both a rewarding and enlightening experience to receive care from Dr. Wojcik following an automobile accident my wife and I were involved in. This was my first experience with this field of health care and Dr. Wojcik provided us with excellent care, as well as educating me to the benefits of Chiropractic care. Dr. Wojcik’s knowledge and years of experience were evident as he explained our injuries and the care we would receive. I also observed him as he treated his other patients with exceptional proficiency and compassion. Dr. Wojcik is not hesitant to do what is best for his patients by referring them to the appropriate health care specialist when necessary, and serves his patients with a balance of approachability and professionalism.”
Ben Yost, M.D.

“As medical director for the Pain Diagnostics and Therapeutics Center in Shreveport, I choose Dr. Wojcik to be a member of our multi-disciplinary team for his experience, professionalism and ability to coordinate his care with the other medical professionals on our staff. Over the years that he served on our health care team he proved to be an asset to out practice and I would recommend his services to anyone who was suffering from a spinal related problem.”
K. Balter, M.D.

“I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Wojcik for several years when he was a member of our multi-disciplinary medical staff at the Pain Diagnostics and Therapeutics Center in Shreveport, Louisiana. I feel that he is very competent in his field of practice and is caring and considerate of his patients. He had a way of making them feel comfortable. He interacted well with our team of doctors and nurses, utilizing his skills and knowledge base to complete our balanced and comprehensive care program. He did not over treat or look to treat unnecessarily. I found that our patients never felt that they were going to have ““snap, crackle, pop”” when they went to see Dr. Wojcik, but looked on him as another member of our professional team who had their best interests at heart. I have not only recommended his services to others, I have utilized them as well!”
Stacy Waldron, PhD

“I have had the opportunity to work with Dr. Wojcik for several years in a consultation capacity. I believe he is extremely competent in his field of practice and does not hesitate to consult with other health care professionals when he believes it is in the best interest of his patients to do so. He is incredibly caring and considerate of his patients and treats them with dignity and respect. Dr. Wojcik has an open and caring demeanor and makes his patients feel comfortable. I have consistently recommended his services to others without hesitation.”
B. Hennigan, M.D.

“I have been in the private practice of Rheumatology here in Shreveport for the past 29 years. I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Wojcik for about 25 years. I admire his work ethic in that he restricts his care to what he is trained and experienced in treating and is very responsible in referring patients to the appropriate specialist when it is in the patients best interest to do so. I have trusted him so much that I have utilized his services myself for some neck and back issues which I have suffered from, and am quite impressed with my results and his professionalism.”
L. Broadwell, M.D. – Director of the Rheumatology and Osteoporosis Specialists
“Throughout my college football career with the L.S.U. fighting Tigers, I suffered from lower back problems which resulted in my having to have corrective surgery in my sophomore year. Although somewhat improved, my lower back problems continued into my professional football career with the Cleveland Browns and afterwards in my professional business life. About a year ago, I had been suffering from lower back pain for about six months. At times the pain was so bad that I had to be confined to bed and was not able to perform my daily activities for weeks at a time. The pain was drastically effecting my work activities as a business owner and more importantly, my quality time with my family. I saw multiple doctors, spent hours in waiting rooms and saw no solutions with any of them. I even tried expensive physical therapy without resolve. At the recommendations of some friends, I consulted Dr. Wojcik and after one week I started to see improvement! I feel that I have avoided another back surgery and am enjoying my work and family again.”
Abram Booty, Wide Receiver, Cleveland Browns